Your braces are finally being removed but, your orthodontist says you must wear a retainer, in this blog our orthodontists at SmileTown Orthodontics Braces & Invisalign tell you why.
What are retainers?
Retainers are custom-made orthodontic appliances that are specifically designed to fit your teeth. They work to ‘retain’ your teeth in their corrected positions. Sometimes retainers are fixed and can only be removed with help from a dental professional where others you can remove yourself when needed.
Why retainers are important?
During orthodontic treatment, your teeth get a little loose when they shift and move into their new corrected positions. Because you're no longer wearing your braces they aren't supporting your teeth, and your teeth need to settle into the soft tissue and jaw bone that support them naturally. This process will take time, and is the reason why you have to wear a retainer.
Your retainer will prevent your teeth from moving out of alignment when your braces have been taken off and can no longer keep them in place.
What will happen if you don't wear your retainer?
If your teeth shift, they could require further orthodontic treatment, or you may end up with teeth that are more misaligned than before.
To help protect the best results from your orthodontic treatment wear your retainer as your orthodontist prescribed, this will also assist in keeping your smile healthy.
As a result, retainers are just as essential as braces in terms of your orthodontic treatment.
How to wear your retainer
Most orthodontic patients wear retainers full-time for approximately a year. However, this time frame can vary greatly for different people based on their treatment needs.
Your orthodontist will monitor the stability of your teeth during the time you are wearing your retainer and will make recommendations on whether it should be worn full-time or part-time.
After some time, you might only have to wear your retainer at night, or even not at all.
Are retainers comfortable?
As it is with braces or clear aligners, retainers will take some getting used to. At the start, you will feel a little bit of discomfort, pressure, or soreness when wearing your retainer. This is normal, so don’t be alarmed! The discomfort will fade away over time.
Conclusively, the more often you wear your retainer, the more comfortable it will be.