Orthodontics for Children

If we detect an early orthodontic problem with your children's oral health, our orthodontists at SmileTown Orthodontics Braces & Invisalign will recommend interceptive treatment, which may include braces or other oral appliances.

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What is early interceptive orthodontics?

Interceptive orthodontics is the diagnosis and treatment of malocclusions or orthodontic issues in their earliest stages, usually while children's teeth and oral cavity are still developing.

In the past, orthodontic treatment did not start until children reached the ages of 12 to 14, when all of their permanent teeth would be emerging. It was also common for a dentist to remove permanent teeth to correct the bite and leave room for a second phase of tooth movement during the teenage years.

Now, modern orthodontic thinking advocates keeping permanent teeth, with phased interceptive orthodontics, treating children at much earlier ages (usually between the ages of 7 and 11) to take advantage of continuing growth and compliance with treatment.

From misaligned or protruding front teeth to early removal of problematic baby teeth, we offer a number of treatment options to suit your child's orthodontic needs.

Early Interceptive Orthodontics, Smiletown Orthodontics for Teens and Children in Langley, Burnaby and North Delta, BC

Why provide early treatment?

Providing early treatment for children's orthodontic issues such as crowded or protruding front teeth can help reduce the risk of trauma and allow room for teeth that have yet to erupt to develop as they should. Early interceptive orthodontics can help reduce treatment time and avoid the need for tooth extractions later.

What types of issues can we treat?

At SmileTown Orthodontics Braces & Invisalign, we can correct several types of issues with early interceptive orthodontics, including: 

  • A misshapen jawbone (which is still soft and pliable at early ages)
  • Misaligned teeth growing out of position
  • Protruding front teeth
  • Expansion of the upper jaw to eliminate a crossbite
  • Expansion of one or both jaws to create space for overly crowded teeth
  • Early removal of specific baby teeth to ensure permanent teeth erupt properly

If children are treated early, we may be able to prevent the need for further orthodontic treatment, extractions or surgery as an adult. Our orthodontists can diagnose your child's specific issue and develop a custom treatment plan to foster the healthy development of their teeth, jaw and facial structure.

What are treatment options for children?

Invisalign First 

Children have special orthodontic needs. Invisalign First aligners are clear, removable orthodontic appliances that are specifically designed to straighten children's teeth as they grow. 

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Advancements in orthodontic technology have brought us a wide range of treatment options and devices. A number of orthodontic appliances can help guide your child's teeth and jaw into proper alignment.

With these appliances, we can maintain the correct amount of space in the mouth and allow for proper tooth eruption and movement.

What results can we achieve?

Early treatment can yield positive results and help preserve your child's oral health. Here are some examples of results that can be achieved with early interceptive orthodontics:

  • Creating room for crowded, erupting teeth 
  • Creating facial symmetry by influencing jaw growth
  • Reducing risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
  • Preserving space for teeth that have not yet erupted
  • Reducing treatment time

Planning & Collaboration

Before recommending any action, the orthodontists at SmileTown Orthodontics Braces & Invisalign will complete an early evaluation to help determine whether your child is a candidate for interceptive orthodontics.

If they are, our team will guide you through each option and how they can impact the development of your child's healthy smile.

More About Orthodontics for Children

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